

Kunming region in the second qu

Kunming region in the second qu

The second quarter of this year, the Kunming Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau of Quality Supervision Bureau of Yunnan Province, according to requirements, strengthen the supervision and spot checks of important industrial products, dangerous chemicals, and people living closely related daily consumer goods and other products quality and risk early warning and monitoring, increase of product of social concern hot products and burst the quality problem of the special supervision and spot checks.

Up to now, according to the inspection report issued in 2014 second quarter statistics, Kunming area a total sample of 123 enterprises, 166 batches of sampling products, physical quality of products qualified 151 batches, the physical quality sample pass rate of 90.96%. Spot checks of the product categories of dangerous chemicals, an important industrial raw materials, consumer goods, agricultural means of production and other 4 categories, involving chemical fertilizer, nonferrous metal, tableware detergent and other 10 kinds of products.

In view of the quality problems found in the two quarter of product quality supervision and spot checks, the Kunming Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau attaches great importance, called on counties (city) District Quality Supervision Bureau (Branch) in accordance with the "Regulations of the people's Republic of China product quality law" and other laws and regulations, the prompt investigation of unqualified enterprises, strictly dealt with according to law. For product quality in this sample unqualified production enterprise, the enterprise shall be ordered to solve quality problem, the existence of products seriously rectification, a deadline for the review. On the potential safety hazard of the quality of the product or the existence of serious quality problems found in selectiving examination, according to the law to increase the punishment, consistent with the revocation of permit conditions determined revoke. In strict accordance with the "while four books" system requirements, timely checks timely notification of the local government and relevant departments. Kunming Municipal Bureau of quality supervision

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